Club owners around the world are making big changes in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Changes include better sanitization practices, scheduling appointments for customers, and taking fitness classes outdoors. But what about their long-term plans? The new HOIST Fitness Club Line, featuring the Slide Select System, offers huge space-savings for Club Owners looking to get the most out of their facility while allowing members to maintain social distancing. Let’s face it, nobody likes someone inside their personal bubble, much less while sweating, huffing, and puffing in the gym. Now add the effects of the pandemic and you have people wanting to avoid each other like the plague, literally! The HOIST Fitness Club Line can help ensure your club gets the most out of the space available for strength training equipment while maintaining social distance.
Since the release of the initial line of eight pieces in the Club Line, six additional units have been unveiled. The original eight boast a 16% smaller footprint and 19% lower profile than competitors and have no loose pins or lanyards, making them HOIST’s most post-pandemic friendly strength training machines yet. The entire eight piece original line can fit in the same space as a standard one car garage, just 12’ x 22’, while allowing users to maintain a 6 foot social distance at all times, including when machines are in use (see image below).

Additionally, three of the six new units offer multiple exercises on one machine making them even more space efficient by eliminating the need for more units on the floor. This includes the CL-3408 Standing/Prone Leg Curl, CL-3309 Pec Fly/Rear Delt, and CL-3800 Inner/Outer Thigh. The space savings and peace of mind this provides club owners and members has made the Club Line a hit everywhere. More units in less space, more is less with the HOIST Fitness Club Line!